WEBINAR | 14 March 2025 | 10:00 – Effectiveness in business – how to use tax and subsidy legislation effectively
Dear Sir or Madam,
If you have not yet benefited from the measures available within the framework of support instruments (grants and subsidies for businesses) and legal solutions for taxation in your business, our webinar is intended for you.
We would like to invite you to a free webinar entitled: “Efficiency in business – how to effectively use tax and subsidy legislation”, during which we will combine knowledge and experience with a practical approach and concrete examples of entrepreneurs (case studies). We will also address issues related to avoiding legal pitfalls.
- Date: 14 March 2025 (Friday)
- Time: 10:00
- What can we get money for – what is R&D in a company?
- The Polish Investment Zone (PSI) – how to benefit and what does it offer?
- Possibilities of changing the zone decision, i.e. how to maintain flexibility in the zone business.
- When to use a grant and when a zone decision? Is it a good idea to combine these two forms of support?
- How can grants and development subsidies be effectively combined in the context of taxation?
- Should we use an R&D relief and how should this be done if a development subsidy has been granted? Or should a prototype relief be used instead?
- How to benefit from a CIT reduction of up to 5%?
- Tomasz Dereszewski – Tax Advisor, Senior Manager, Andersen Tax & Legal
- Tomasz Hoffmann – Managing Partner, PFI Polska