Andersen on the European Economic Congress
Three incredible days at European Economic Congress!
Being a Congress Partner, we had a great opportunity to meet our current and potential business partners and have interesting discussions with them. Our stand was a place for inspiring talks about business and the economy. The event offered an invaluable opportunity to interact with prominent personalities, leaders in many industries.
17,000 registered participants, 1,200 speakers and more than 180 debates – these numbers sum up this huge and very well organized event, which is also, or above all, extremely valuable content wise. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to the organizers.
Our special thanks go to all the participants and moderators of the thematic sessions, during which we had the opportunity to share knowledge and insights. Recordings of the panel discussions with our experts are available here:
Marcin Matyka – Investment projects and M&A. What are the factors affecting international investments? What are greenfield investments like in Poland?
Wojciech Koczara – Real estate; PRS in Poland: the role of the private rented sector. What is the fiscal law background for property lease?
Aleksandra Kalinowska – tax system, fiscalism, business. What is the tax inspection process in companies? What is the experience or businesses and corporations when it comes to the tax policy adopted by the State?
Tomasz Srokosz – Public-private partnership in the new EU perspective. Can we expect any developments and changes in the context of PPP agreements in the new EU perspective? When the PPP is worth the effort?
See you at the next edition of EEC.