Mobile application for e-Invoicing System (KSeF)

The Ministry of Finance provided access to a new tool linked with KSeF – a Mobile Application. The application is a free tool for invoicing and invoice correction.

The app can be downloaded from Google Play store and App Store. It can be used only with Android or iOS systems. The application can be run with Android systems, version 9, iOS version 13.0 and later.

The application installed on one device can be used by one person only, identified by his/her PESEL number. At the same time, this person can authenticate on multiple profiles, using their TIN number.

Each profile requires at least one of the following authorizations:

  • to issue invoices,
  • to view invoices.

Authorization in the application is only possible using the Trusted Profile.

Application functionalities

In addition to the function of invoicing and invoice correction, the Application offers the following functionalities to facilitate e-Invoice processing:

  • Viewing and downloading e-Invoices,
  • Adding new profiles,
  • For each profile, a business card can be created and shared, and a QR code can be generated with the entrepreneur’s details,
  • Creating your own list of buyers and bank accounts (a kind of contractor database) useful when issuing invoices and corrected invoices,
  • Storing data in the user’s private cloud.

Invoice correction is possible only for invoices issued using the application.

For more details on the use of the Application and its functionalities see: podrecznik-uzytkownika-aplikacji-mobilnej-ksef-20240516.pdf (

The process of invoicing using the Application seems quite transparent, and the application intuitive. It offers an option of downloading buyer details from the GUS (Main Office of Statistics) database, which should make the invoicing process much easier and reduce the risk of errors when feeding the data. An equally important and useful feature is the possibility to save a draft version of an invoice before it is sent to KSeF, which is undoubtedly useful in situations where the taxpayer will want to verify the recipient’s data.

The Mobile Application is undoubtedly convenient for entrepreneurs, offering them the possibility to issue invoices from virtually anywhere. However, changes and modifications are to be expected due to the planned work on the architecture of the e-Invoice System. It is therefore quite likely that the Application, as available now, will also be updated.

Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that, although the mandatory KSeF is to come into force on February 1, 2026, it is already recommendable to get acquainted with the tools provided by the Ministry of Finance and their functions. It will definitely make it easier to start using the system once it becomes mandatory.


Elżbieta Lis Partner, Katowice

T: +48 32 731 68 58
M: +48 664 948 038

Adam Książek Manager | Legal advisor, Katowice

T: +48 32 731 68 78

Aleksandra Kalinowska Partner, Warsaw

T: +48 22 690 08 70
M: +48 724 440 693
