Vaccinations – requirements and obligations of European employers

Vaccines are an issue of special significance, broadly discussed in all EU countries and elsewhere. Andersen’s employment law experts prepared a brief Newsletter with a review of requirements and obligations of employers with respect to vaccination in some EU countries. The document describes 20 countries, and the vaccine-related questions we answer are as follows:

  • Does the government of the country consider mandatory vaccination (for all or certain groups of workers)?
  • Is the employer entitled to prevent an employee from engaging in certain areas of business activity or even terminate the employment contract if the employee refuses to be vaccinated?
  • Do we have the right to choose a vaccine?

The answer to the last question is not unequivocal, because, as some of you may know having tried to benefit or having benefited from the “40-50 gap” on 1 April, selection of a specific vaccine is sometimes possible in Poland. If you would like to know more, please contact us to get more information or clarify any doubts you may have. In particular, if you plan to arrange for vaccination in your workplace.

The document is available for downloading HERE.



Magdalena Patryas Partner, Katowice

T: +48 32 731 68 84
M: +48 502 392 419

Katarzyna Komulainen Partner, Warsaw

T: +48 22 690 08 77
M: +48 606 760 836
