Design and implementation of compliance systems
The word compliance has no good equivalent in Polish as it combines the aspects of ethics and conformity with the legal regulations. In the context of enterprise organisation, the term denotes measures undertaken to ensure compliance with legal standards, industry-specific requirements, internal regulations and rules of ethics.
The professionals of Andersen assist clients in creation of effective compliance systems, including procedures and policies intended to manage the risk of fraud and corruption, tailored to the organisational structure of the enterprise and the regulatory requirements to be satisfied in the industry concerned.
We start designing the compliance system by creating a risk map for the client’s operations, taking into account the client’s business environment, the industry in which the company operates and the organisational culture. The risk map helps us identify the areas which are particularly prone to non-compliance. The risk map largely delineates the scope and type of procedures to be adopted by the company.
The services of the existing Compliance Practice of Andersen include, without limitation:
- identification of areas which are particularly exposed to the risk of non-compliance,
- indication of the scope and type of procedures to be adopted by the company, such as the code of ethical standards, the anti-corruption code, the gift acceptance and offering procedure and the procedure for reporting conflicts of interest or counterparty verification.
- revision and supplementation of the internal procedures.