ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance

Comprehensive support for ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) management covering the following areas:

  1. ESG Strategy:
    We develop and implement customized ESG strategies that are aligned with your organization’s goals and values, as well as responsive to current market and regulatory requirements.
  2. ESG Reporting:
    We prepare reliable and transparent ESG reports that meet both domestic and international requirements. Our reports are aligned with GRI, SASB standards and other recognized reporting frameworks.
  3. Training:
    We support organizations in raising ESG awareness among employees and stakeholders through training, workshops and educational campaigns.
  4. Regulatory compliance:
    Global ESG regulations are becoming increasingly rigorous and complex. We support organizations in analyzing, interpreting, and implementing these regulations to ensure compliance with applicable laws.
  5. ESG Due Diligence: We conduct a thorough ESG analysis, identifying gaps and monitoring the compliance of the organization’s functioning with the applicable regulations.
  6. Risk management:
    Violations of ESG rules can lead to serious legal and financial consequences. We provide services to identify and manage these risks to protect your organization from potential losses.
  7. Creating sustainability strategies:
    We develop ESG-compliant action plans that consider both legal requirements and the strategic goals of the organization.
  8. ESG reporting and corporate communications:
    We help to prepare ESG reports and corporate messages. We precede this process with a thorough compliance analysis to minimize the risk of greenwashing.
  9. Adapting to cultural and social change:
    We support organizations in adapting to ever changing social and cultural expectations, which is key to maintaining a positive image and reputation in the market.